Your dentist says you need to remove your wisdom teeth. But they do not hurt, so, why remove them?
The first step to decide if you rather or not remove your wisdom teeth is to take a panoramic x-ray. After analyzing the x-ray, the dentist will be able to check the shape of your mouth, and the position of your teeth.
There are some different reasons to extract your wisdom teeth:
- Impacted wisdom teeth: it is when the tooth does not have enough space to emerge from the gums and develop normally.
- Incorrect growth: in some cases, the wisdom teeth grow and take too much space in the mouth. When the mouth is overcrowded, it is recommended the removal of the wisdom teeth, since these teeth can not be straightened out with braces.
- A cyst forms around the tooth: if a sac next to the teeth becomes filled with fluid forming a cyst, the tooth needs to be extracted to avoid infection in the gums, roots, and bones.
- Sinus issues: when the tooth grows and roots develop, they can rub against the sinuses causing sinus pain, pressure, headaches, and congestions.
- Pericoronitis: it happens when the tissue around the teeth can become hard and inflamed, making hard to clean. This can also occur even when the teeth are underneath the gums.
If you are experiencing pain and discomfort, you should contact your dentist. He or she will be able to diagnose the issue and recommend the best treatment.