You might be wondering what goes into a dental implant procedure. This sort of procedure usually takes place if you’re missing one or more teeth and you’re not looking for partial dentures, full dentures, or a bridge.

Depending upon your individual situation you might be a good candidate to have dental implants. Upon exam and consultation with your dentist, Dr. Olavo Queiroz will be able to suggest the best option for your health, lifestyle and budget.

The Dental Implant Procedure in North York

There are several items that go into a dental implant procedure. A dental implant gives you a more natural replacement for your teeth than a denture does. These are artificial teeth that will be attached to the jaw bone directly. You must have a healthy jaw bone that is fully developed and you must also be in good health to have dental implants installed. These teeth will look just like your natural teeth.

The implant itself is like a screw and it’s an artificial replacement for the missing tooth root. Titanium is used to make the implants so there won’t be any adverse reaction to the gum tissue or the jaw bone.
Your dentist will discuss with you whether or not you are an ideal candidate for dental implants procedure as some people aren’t the right candidate.

Time for the Dental Implant Procedure

The entire procedure is going to take several months because there are several phases to have the implants placed in the mouth. The first part of the procedure will have the implant placed in the jaw and this is covered over with gum tissue as it integrates into the jaw bone for around 3 to 6 months.

Once this is done a post is going to be attached to the implant so that the gum tissue can grow around this. The implant in the post service is an anchor for any replacement teeth. There will then be a crown attachment which is placed over the implant and this is customized to your mouth.


An advantage to dental implants is you have a more natural ability to speak and eat foods that you did before. You also don’t have to worry about denture repairs when you wear dentures. You’ll still have to visit the dentist on a regular basis that the implants are still in good condition.

Not for Everyone

A dental implant procedure is not the ideal situation for everyone. If you have a serious illness or you are pregnant it is not a good idea to have dental implants done. If you are at risk for infections you should also avoid dental implants. Children can’t have dental implants because they have jawbones that are still developing


Contact Lawrence Park Dental North York, about a dental implant procedure so you can learn more about it and if you are the ideal candidate to have this sort of procedure done.

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